II Convention of the Russian Society of Political Experts finalized its work

С 11 по 13 ноября 2016 года в Казани прошёл II Съезд Российского общества политологов

From 11 November to 13 November 2016 the II Convention of the Russian Society of Political Experts was held in Kazan. The main topic of the event was “Russian politics: the agenda in the changing world”.

Well-known scientists from Russia and over 30 countries took part in the Convention.

The plenary session which started the Convention on November 11th included the presentations of Farid Mukhametshin, Chairman of State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, Vladimir Yakunin, Head of Department of State Politics of the Faculty of Political Sciences at Lomonosov MSU, PhD in Political Sciences, Ilshat Gafurov, Rector of the Kazan Federal University, Beatriz Bissio, Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences at the Rio de Janeiro Federal University (Brazil), Oleg Morozov, member of Federation  Council of Federal Assembly of the RF – representative of administration of the Republic of Tatarstan, and Valery Kovalenko, the Head of Department of Russian Politics at Lomonosov MSU.

Vladimir Yakunin presented a report on “Russia and West: the crisis of mutual understanding or the institutional standoff”.

“I think it is obvious that all of us represent the first meeting of political experts on such a scale which is held after what we call the most serious change in external political situation related to the changed political situation in the U.S. And at present we are at the point of real changes in general-political situation in the world related to the changes that are taking place in the political system of USA” – noticed Vladimir Yakunin.

You can download the complete report of Vladimir Yakunin.

The scientific programme of the Convention included many discussion platforms. 7 round-table talks and 6 sections were organized.  At the sections the following topics were discussed: ethno-political processes in modern Russia, the main tendencies of the world order and external politics of Russia, political processes during the electoral cycle 2016-2018 and many others.

During discussions at round-table talks they covered the topics like the processes of integration and disintegration in the modern world, political formation of the future, Russian regions in the political area and others.

During the round-table talk on “Current problems of the modern youth politics in Russia” special attention was paid to the youth as an object and a subject of youth policy, to perspectives of scientific and professional development of young political experts. For instance, Deputy Head of Department of State Politics at Lomonosov MSU, Director General of the Centre of Studies of Crisis Society, Maxim Vilissov presented his report on “Career of a young political expert: objective and subjective factors of success”.  In his presentation Maxim Vilissov emphasized that the professional standard of a political expert is at the formation stage; he mentioned a couple of negative factors which disrupt the successful career of young political experts. Such factors include lack of understanding of the political qualification, lack of political experience, lack of professional communications and others. Maxim Vilissov told about participation of young political experts  (MSU students) in PolitIQ programme as a way to solve such problems. Thanks to the programme students take part in summer schools abroad, have internships at federal and regional bodies and other.

You can read the complete report of Maxim Vilissov here.

The following meeting of the Russian Society of Political Experts will take place in 2018. Its topic is known: “Political and politological education in Russia”.

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